If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die… Or so the saying goes. And it’s true. It’s also true if a writer gives birth to you, befriends you or if you are foolish enough to cross one… Because that last means all bets are off. There’s another saying: Good...
I still believe in magic… In spite of this past year, and because of it, I believe we all need that sprinkling of something beyond the ordinary more than ever. Our lives have become so extraordinary and our reality so extreme that magical possibilities don’t seem...
The crime bug bit me the day my father died although I didn’t realise it until much later. I was only three at the time, so my memories are blurred but the hints my mother dropped over the years sharpened a different kind of focus. She would refer to the secretive...
It takes guts to truly live – to reach out and grab the life you want rather than settling for what lands at your feet. That courage, of course, leaves you open and exposed to possible pitfalls and pain as well as triumph. It’s the same with writing. I’ve always...
Children and young people have suffered especially during multiple Covid lockdowns, being isolated at home, away from school and their friends. Although many adults turned to books during this time, some kids found it harder and parents struggling to juggle home...
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