My Favourite Book Festival

Book festivals come in all shapes, sizes and flavours but my favourite has to be the Chiswick Book Festival and it’s not just because it takes place right on my own doorstep. Now in its second year, the cosy, relaxed feel of the festival belies its astonishing...

The Perfect Book Group Book

I’ve just taken part in the first ever Chiswick Book Festival, sitting on a panel chaired by the brilliant author and lecturer Celia Brayfield debating the perfect book group book.  Like many of you out there I ostensibly belong to a book group.  I say...

Author Talking

From time to time I emerge blinking from behind my keyboard to meet up with readers and fellow writers.  If you can make it along, it would be lovely to see you there. Here are a few dates for your diaries: Sunday 27th September, 3pm,  I’ll be at the first ever...