So Trip Adler failed to show for his Litopia duel of words. Here’s something that may explain his reluctance .  Yes folks – it’s Trip’s own attempt at a book:


And in case you’re wondering just what could have kept this thrusting young CEO from his eager audience, here’s a selection of Trip’s Tweets:

1:08 AM Mar 14th from web
Snowkiting in Utah with Charles River Ventures and a bunch of Silicon Valley people.

3:30 AM Mar 7th from web
Finally we got more corn nuts at Scribd HQ!

4:29 AM Mar 3rd from web
This idea is sooo sexy
10:49 AM Feb 19th from web
Just told Tikhon the idea. He thinks it is really good. But don’t ask him what it is because he is sworn to secrecy.
9:21 AM Feb 19th from web
I just had to Tweet about the invention of the next Twitter. History will look back on this moment.
8:37 AM Feb 19th from web
just came up with my best startup idea in at least a year, maybe my best ever. This one could be bigger than Twitter…
8:32 AM Feb 19th from web
We’re out of corn nuts at Scribd office
5:30 AM Feb 19th from web
Check out my new photo!
10:25 AM Feb 6th from web
in Palo Alto
7:01 AM Aug 4th, 2008 from web
Getting some work done
11:39 PM Aug 2nd, 2008 from web
3:30 AM Apr 13th, 2007 from web


It’s a tough life at the top…